Resettlement of Refugees in Canada

How can I apply for resettlement in Canada and what happens?

Important information

You wish to come to Canada and your application has been initially reviewed by Canadian officials. Now she wonders what will happen next.


Being selected as an eligible refugee is an important step in the resettlement process, but it is not the last step.

Below we outline the next steps involved in this process as well as important information about Canada.

You can be resettled in Canada under the resettlement program from the visa office. This means that the Canadian government and a private sponsorship group will work together to provide support for you during your first year in Canada.


Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP)

The Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) for government-assisted refugees provides immediate and essential support for their basic needs. These services include these services.

• Loans to help you travel to Canada

• I greet you at the airport

• Providing temporary housing

• help with

-        Getting to know your new society and adapting to it

-        Finding permanent housing

-        Registration in basic federal and regional programs

-        Personal finance, such as preparing a budget and setting up a bank account

• Providing Canadian life skills training for refugees with high needs

• Referrals to community programs or other programs for newcomers

If you are sponsored to come to Canada, your sponsoring group will provide these services.

All refugees resettled in Canada can also access settlement program services. These include

• Information and guidance

• Referral to community resources

• Translation and interpretation

• Language training

• Job-related services


Access to settlement services continues until individuals become Canadian citizens.

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